Hecate - Goddess of Crossroads
Hecate reminds us of the importance of change, helping us to let go of the past, especially the things that are slowing our growth. She helps us to accept change, and makes transitions easier to welcome.
Sometimes it is important to leave behind that which is safe and familiar to travel through the shadow of the soul.
New beginnings, no matter what kind, are not always easy. So we wear Hecate to help us through our travels, remembering that what is on the other side is where we are meant to be.
Hecate has the ability to see far into the past, present, and future. Space and time hold no bars to her. Ask her for help, and she will lend you her vision, allowing you to see those deep and forgotten (or even repressed) parts of yourself, and helps you to find the right path to take. On your way, she reflects the light of the moon, lighting up the otherwise dark and scary path.
Wear Hecate if you are looking to see things differently, to help you find greater understanding of yourself and others, and to be your shining light in a sometimes rather dark road... guiding you to your future destination.